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Business Meeting

Who We Are, What We do

Like many of you, I have long been interested in all things related to reclaiming our rights and freedoms in this country. My journey began several years ago when I revoked my voluntary election to pay taxes. I was so empowered by that experience that I started researching ways to change status and standing, eventually getting involved in a few “Patriot” groups along the way. During my involvement in the groups, I was struck by the large number of questions that were asked regarding land patents, which went unanswered. This seemed to be a vital piece of the puzzle which no one was addressing. Holding superior title to your land in my opinion seemed to be one of the most important undertakings to consider for freedom minded individuals. All of the chatter in the groups on the topic was centered around how vital it is that you hold true superior title to your land. Without it, you run the risk of losing the most valuable asset most of us will likely ever own. But few had any answers. So, I started learning as much as I could about the process.


While on my journey, I was introduced to Ron Gibson and his process for bringing forward a land patent benefit. Ron is the foremost expert on the topic of land patents and based upon what I have seen from other land patent processes, Ron’s work stands far above them all. So, I dove in head first, took Ron’s course, read his book and then put it all together. I traveled to Illinois to work on land patents for some patriot friends that I made along the way, to prove out the process. I spent over six months developing relationships with title abstractors and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), creating patent documents based upon Ron’s work and ironing out the process start to finish.


My background over the last twenty years has been in real estate valuation. In that capacity, I have analyzed many thousands of real estate documents, including title commitments, deeds, surveys, plat maps and various other related documents. With this background, it seemed a natural fit to formalize what I had learned so I could help with the process of bringing forward a land patent benefit. So, I created When I developed the website initially, I also offered document preparation services for status change. I eventually made the decision to focus on the land patent component and I now only offer land this document service.

We provide a complete service for the land patent document process.  The required forms for the process and a web page for your public posting are completed in house. Certified copies of the land patent are secured and provided for you as well and are included in our fee. The title research is completed by an abstractor or research specialist (for the colony states). These services are arranged for you and you will pay these professionals directly. The product page will have additional information about the process, coverage area and fees. Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully.

What You Can Expect

Once you complete your purchase, you will be contact by a specialist to begin the process of creating your land patent documents. The length of time to complete the patent documents varies based upon several factors, including where you are located geographically, how quickly we can find an abstractor to complete your chain of title work and how many people are ahead of you with their patent request. When contacted, the specialist will ask for some documents, including a copy of your tax statement and a copy of your current deed (all pages are needed). These can be emailed, pictures can be taken with your phone, or images can be scanned in and printed to pdf (preferred). 


You will be notified via email when milestones have been completed during the creation and development process. Once your documents have been created, we will mail the primary patent document to you for you to notarize and autograph. This will be mailed back to us and your completed patent bundle will be sent to you. At this stage, you will be given instructions for placing a notice in your local news paper, which will direct interested individuals back to a customized web posting of your patent benefit. This will run for sixty-one days, then you will be ready to record your documents with your county recorder and you will be done. The entire process typically takes three to four months under normal circumstances.

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